Our Mission
Engage people in relationship with God through knowing His Word
Bible Study Leaders are trained and equipped to lead small, discussion-based groups. Leaders ask questions to guide their group through God's Word, allowing each person to discover God's truth for themselves, but not by themselves.
Our Vision
Every believer in Christ living out God's Word every day.
Life-changing intimacy with God is the heart of Precept. We equip small group Bible Study Leaders who can help you discover the truth of Scripture for yourself, but not by yourself.
Our Ethos
Scripture guides you toward God.
Precept guides you through Scripture.
We help lead and direct, but we know that the true changing power—personal relationship with God—comes not from following Precept, but from Scripture itself.
Our Doctrinal Statement
01 | The Scriptures
We believe (a) in the plenary verbal inspiration of the Word of God, and (b) that both the Old and New Testaments are inerrant in the original writings and are the supreme and final authority for faith and life.
02 | The Godhead
We believe the Godhead exists in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three Persons are one God having precisely the same nature, attributes, and perfections.
03 | The Lord Jesus Christ
We believe in (a) His eternal existence as God, (b) His Incarnation and Virgin Birth, (c) His death on the cross as the substitutionary atonement for sin, (d) His literal, bodily resurrection from the dead, (e) His present ministry of intercession in heaven, and (f) His personal, future return to earth.
Our Board
Tjin Swee Chuan
Adrian Ang
Benedict Leow
Janet Hu
Kelvin Low
Stephen Lim
Lena Goh
Our Trainers
Grace Lim
Molly Farlow
Stephen Lim
Timothy Tan
Mimi Voo (D4Y)
Lena Goh (D4Y)
Our Staff
Timothy Tan
National Director
Stephen Lim
Outreach Director
Jennie Fong
Ministry Executive
Corrinne Choo
Ministry Executive
Our History
Our journey continues...
When it all began
Jack and Kay Arthur began Precept, then known as “Reach Out”
Kay Arthur writes the first Precept Upon Precept® course - Romans
"Reach Out" became Precept Ministries
Precept materials was first brought in from USA and introduced to the Sunday school teachers at Geylang Chinese Methodist Church
Precept Singapore | How we began
EARLY 1980s
Timothy Tan wrote to Precept US for training videos BUT...
Jack & Kay Arthur,
Jim & Betsy came instead.
They taught and trained in Singapore
1988 : Ceciia Perh (left)
Our 1st National Director -
1990 / Molly Farlow (right)
joined Cecilia to set up the Precept office and ran classes -
...and our first team of board members
The progression of PUP materials
The much-beloved plumb line logo was established (Amos 7:7-8)
Precept Upon Precept (Singapore) was officially registered
Stephen Lim became our 2nd National Director
Stephen & Grace Lim regional work began
Kay Arthur's first comeback to Singapore
We became Precept Ministries (Singapore) as we are known today
Our first Israel Study Tour, led by Stephen & Grace Lim
Precept Singapore's conference with Bob and Diane Vereen
The progression of PUP materials again as you know it today.
Stephen Lim became our Regional/Outreach Director
Timothy Tan became our 3rd National Director
Precept Singapore's conference with Wayne Barber
Precept Singapore's conference with David Arthur
Kay Arthur's second comeback to Singapore
Kay Arthur's third and final comeback to Singapore
Our Silver Jubilee
25 years of ministry in Singapore
Our first Greece Study Tour, led by Stephen & Grace Lim
Discussions began about starting Young Adult groups. THEN...
Goodbye Plumbline. Hello Light.
New Logo introduced (Psalm 119:105)
MAR 2020
July 2020
Precept Singapore Young Adults Group was officially launched.
All Precept classes went virtual
Precept Study Tours resumed.
Our first Turkey Study Tour was to commence but we had to cancel due to earthquake at Turkey.
30 years anniversary
A time of thanksgiving to our Lord.
He is ever faithful and true.