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Why wonder or worry about the future?  God has given you a sneak preview.


With all that's transpiring in the world, people can't help but wonder what the future holds. Will there ever be peace on earth? How long will the world live under the threat of terrorism? Is a one-world ruler on the horizon?


God has already provided answers to these questions in the book of Daniel, which sets forth His blueprints for the future. In fact, when you understand the prophecies Daniel reveals, every other prophecy in the Bible will fit somewhere in the plan.


"If you want to understand the future, if you want to know what will happen in the "end of days," you need to begin with the prophecies of the Book of Daniel. Join me on this glorious adventure into the future."  -Kay Arthur


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如果你希望掌握未来,又想知道「世界未日 」 会发生甚么事情,这本研读但以理书的研经课程会帮你找出答案。

Discovering What the Future Holds / 我们的未来会如何

SKU: 21693

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  • These revolutionary, no-homework, 6-week studies are an easy introduction to inductive study. They have proven great for small groups and have a unique format that includes Scripture alongside the text. Zoom in on the issues you care about and learn to think about them as God does. These focused, self-contained studies guide you into God's Word one topic at a time, 6 weeks at a time, with no homework. Learn to think biblically and discover what God has to say about your real-life questions.

    These softcover workbooks include Scripture alongside instructions, questions and informative insights to aid your inductive study experience.



    这套崭新的查经系列,是由亲爱的圣经教师欧凯莉,和恩言善导协会的教学同工联手编制的。特色是每一课都简短而且容易掌握,但却可以让你个人或透过小组形式来探讨一些重要的课题。系列中的每本书都包括六课四十分钟的查经资料,透过基本的归纳式研经法,带你进入圣经中。学员不用做家课,这样,组内每个人都可以同时完成课堂研习。快来与令人敬仰的圣经教师一起研习吧!这个研习将要革新你的心思 - 和你的生命!

  • Languages 语言: English, 中文简体

    Type 书籍类型: Soft Cover  平装书

    Pages 页数: 107 

    Publisher 出版: WaterBrook (English) / Precept Ministries International (中文)

    Product Number 产品编号: 21693 (English), 21693CS (中文)


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